Ah Young Jeon

Interview by Jimon

1) Where did you grow up and where do you currently reside and work?  I grew up in Seoul, South Korea and in 2004 when I was eighteen I moved to San Francisco to study art. Recently we; my husband and I moved back to Seoul and we will be staying here for the next two years.

2) What school did you attend and do you think it was necessary?  I went to Academy of art University for my BFA and MFA. I studied a number of traditional techniques of artistry including how to throw pottery. However once I began my MFA studies is when I really decided to be an artist, for me that was the defining moment.

3) Do you remember the first piece of art that caught your attention?  It would have to be Manet’s Le fifre at a Manet exhibition at Palazzo Ducale in Venice 2013. Although I studied and learned of many artworks through art history classes, Manet’s Le fifre was the first where I was truly impressed and instantly fell in love with everything about it.  It blew my mind. It was so good that I forgot all other art I had ever seen.

4) You work in multiple platforms. Which one is your favorite?  I am a sculptor but I have always wanted to be a designer and was really into advertising. Mixed media art most of all makes me feel free to explore other influences in my work. Obviously text and language plays a large role.

5) How do you describe success as an artist?  “Success” is really abstract to me.  I hope I can keep making art till the day I die.  Perhaps that is success for an artist.

6) Have you ever come across a piece of art that you could not stop looking at?  Any Manet or Matisse painting would do.

7) What advice would you give putative collectors?  Consider adding young artists work to your collection.

8) Do you have a form of inspiration while working?  My inspiration comes from magazines and new media.

9) Best advice you ever received in regards to your courier as an artist?  A museum director once told me to “live your life first before focusing on making art.” That was my moment of realization and I have sincerely tried to follow that advice.

10) What forthcoming projects or exhibitions do you have scheduled?  Since my husband is an artist as well.  We have moved here to South Korea with the intention of hosting art exhibitions. We hope to have lots of pop up shows here in the next two years.

11) Do you have a place/person/thing that you visit for inspiration?  Yes, I visit book stores and museums for inspiration.

12) If you could have dinner with 3 artists living/dead who would be at your table?  Manet, Matisse and Jeff Koons.

13) Name three things you can’t live without in your studio?  Music, colors, computer.

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