Andrea Riocci

Interview by Jimon

1-What is your earliest childhood memory of making art?  You asked me a question that opened the image I had forgotten and I thank you for it. However, a cylindrical pack of markers that I had received at Christmas.

2-What did your path to becoming an artist look like?  I have never had a path and honestly I did not have this great desire that lives in me today. My path was mostly walls of the stations I was going to paint.

3-Where did you grow up and how did that affect you as an artist?  Well, I believe that wherever we grow up has something that influences us. You just have to know what because sometimes we don’t realize it.

4-Where do you currently live and create?  I currently live in Codogno, a small town near Piacenza in Italy.

5-How would you describe yourself as an artist?  I never know how to answer this question. This is because I would not like to define myself as those who studied this matter to become painters, artists or other. If I have to put on a label, I prefer Artist because it is very generic and for this reason I define myself as a free artist, outside the box. I don’t use precise rules to paint also because I don’t know them.

6-Do you have a motto on how to live life?  Yes, and it also applies to my art.

“I chase my obsessions to paint them.”

7-Is there any reality behind the characters in your paintings or are they purely fantasy?  There is always something real in my paintings. That it is a small detail that is lost in the canvas, that it is a character yes, there is always reality.

8- What influences you as an artist?  Initially I thought it was the music, or the weather. But after several tests to verify if it was true I realized that only the mood influences me.

9-Do you have a place/person/thing that you visit for inspiration?  No. And I think inspirations should never be sought. They are the ones who arrive.

10-When you are not painting where would someone find you?  Mainly at work, otherwise at home with my two cats. This is when I’m not with friends.

11-If a movie was to be made about your life, ideally where would it take place and who would be the actor playing your part?  Well I hope in Italy since it is my country of origin. As for the actor … I hope for Jake Gyllenhaal. But I don’t think ages would match.

12- How do you describe success as an artist?  I can’t describe an artist’s success. A true artist never becomes. Sure, goals start, but never success.

13- Name three things you can’t live without in your studio?  Colors, lampshades, a portable audio speaker.

14- If you could have dinner with 3 artists living/dead who would be at your table?  Vincent Van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, Pierre-Auguste Renoir.

15-How would someone find you on Social media?  Andrea Riocci.

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