Gabriele Bruns

Interview by Jimon

  1. Gabriele Bruns, one word to describe him?  Observer
  1. Where do you reside and work currently?  I live in Hamburg Germany.
  1. Did you have any training for art or is it inherent?  I started an artistic training, but canceled it. I think I paint more intuitive.

  1. Do you remember the first piece of art that you created? I grew up in a big garden. I remember as a kid painting on the ground with little sticks. All paths in the garden were decorated with my paintings.
  1. When did you first start making art and what lead you to start?  My parents were very creative and supporting of the creativity of their children. I am a restrained individual and painting is a nice form of expression.  Painting has accompanied me for as long as I can think.  I love being touched in everyday life by creativity.
  1. Best advice you ever received in regards to your art?  To be authentic.
  1. What influences you as an artist?  On my Way to work, I pass a box every day. Someone has painted a Cyclops on it. He raises his thin arms in greeting, this picture makes me happy. I like black lines that enclose a surface, as with graffiti.  I love street art because it is accessible to all. I carry the idea of inclusion in me. The exclusive disconcert me.  Participation is an important task of society.  My pictures consist mostly of many figures, which reflect different characters. They are not man, not woman, not black, not white, not human, and not animal.  Through the black lines they form a structure.  Perhaps that is my view of human cohabitation. One stands on another`s head, the search for mating.
  1. Do you first draw a mock-up? I create a mock-up with paint and spatula. I like it when it looks raw and alive.  I begin to paint black lines. Gradually, a picture is formed. I then work out what satisfies my aesthetics.  The end result should harmonize in shape and color. I like it imperfect, grotesque, striking and trivial.  At best it invites the viewer to linger.
  2. Your pieces are extremely intricate, and time consuming, what is the longest you have spent on a piece?  My pieces are mostly not very big, they are finished after a few hours.  I am also trying to complete them in a few working sections, as they are probably related to my mood.
  1. Are the colors in your art indicative of your state of mind?  My color selection is an absolute expression of my state of mind.
  1. How would you like to be seen as an artist years from now ?  I do not know, I will continue as before.  My head is full of ideas. I would like to have more time. Then I would work in a larger studio. I think my paintings would look good on a large canvas.
  1. Do you have a place/person/thing that you visit for inspiration?  Hamburg is a very inspiring place. Here I have inspiring nature and the whimsical life of a big city. Since January 2017 I have had an Instagram page where I have met very creative, inspiring, interesting and loyal people. Some not good as well.
  1. If you could have dinner with 3 artists living/dead who would be at your table?  Jean Dubuffet, Nils Koppruch and Banksy.
  1. Name three things you can’t live without in your studio?  Light, color, silence
  1. Anything else you’d like to mention that I didn’t ask?   🙂

you can purchase Gabriele’s work in the BUY section.

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