Stuart Farr

Interview by Jimon

1. How would you describe Stuart Farr?  As complex an experience as Jimon.

2. How did you acquire your style?  I went looking for it. It took years and years of hard work, agony and searching.

3. What was the First job you ever held?  After paperboy, I filled shelves in a supermarket.

4. How did you choose the term Je Suis insubordonne?  ‘Je Suis Insubordonné’ means I am insubordinate, defiant of authority; disobedient to orders. That is a fact. It seems appropriate.

5. You are very political and anti establishment, how does that reflect in your work?   I am not at all political. I believe politics is a hoax on humankind.  I know there is NO AUTHORITY ABOVE YOURSELF, therefore I encourage individual sovereignty.  I am concerned with humanity, liberty. Read a short essay on this here:  I observe the vulgar confidence of the 21st century. The unseemly jurisdiction of erroneous authority is present in Art and Culture as much as Government and Law. I mock the dominion of the media, highlight the transience of culture and disrespect it.  As nothing is above criticism nor is anything without virtue; I have the privilege and responsibility to remain positive and speak truth with my absurdities. Communication is a human gift.

6. What does Stuart Farr dream about?   Last night I dreamt the little people kept me rapt with incessant dancing and inhuman fiddle music.

7. How come you don’t participate in social media?   Facebook and Twitter by their own admission design their platforms to consume as much of our time as possible. Appealing to narcissism and loneliness, fostering a modern disconnect. Pernicious and insidious, even the notifications are designed to be addictive, hacking our dopamine administration. *ping   The architects of the panopticon employ baleful data mining techniques. Their main purpose is the acquisition and trade of privacy. Not only for advertising… since WIKILEAKS released Vault 7 I have taken real steps to protect my online privacy. The deep state is spying on you.

8. Why make art?  It’s fun. It’s integral. It inspires and informs. It can liberate a prisoner or a moody teenager. Life is hard, when we remind each other of this we create courage… Why NOT make art???

9. First thing you think/do in the morning?  And Last thing at night? First thing: Tea. Last thing: Cryptozoology podcast to fuel the night terrors.

10. What is your least favorite part of the day?   When the heroin wears off.

11. The future is _________.   Ancient

12. What has the most influence on your work?  The nonsense of civilization. The inescapable beauty of suffering. The misplaced confidence of celebrated people. Banksy makes a fart and goes unchallenged. How can we regard Madonna without choking on vomit and laughter? To deliberately misquote Katy Perry… “Do you ever feel like a spastic..?” I’m worried about Michael Jackson.  Fuck these fools.

13. Do you listen to music while creating? If yes, what genre?  On days ending with nightfall: 80/90s industrial.  On repeating days I listen to Hardcore Rave from 1992, no earlier, no later.

14. How would you like to be seen as an artist years from now?   By appointment.

15. If you could have dinner with three artists living/dead who would be at your table?  Genesis Breyer P-Orridge,Marcel Duchamp.Giuseppe Arcimboldo, mmm.

16. Name three things you can’t live without in your studio?  My Thinking Stool, everything else can be improvised upon.

17. How would someone find you on the internet?  The ONLY place to find me online is . Please join me there and sign up to my mailing list for updates on my work.#freedankula

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